You rush a miracle man, you get rotten miracles.
I’d like us to start gathering funds to have the uncensored version played every day on every major TV station and streaming service.
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In “geewiz explores computer history” news, I’m now an official member of DECUS, the Digital Equipment Corporation User Society! The reason is that HP (who bought Compaq who bought DEC) issue a Hobbyist License to DECUS members who’d like to install OpenVMS for funsies. And I have to admit, working with an old-school operating system that isn’t unixoid has been a great experience so far. I’ll do a live installation of OpenVMS on my Twitch stream tomorrow.
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As I’m pretty much Epoch years old, I celebrated a special birthday this week. It’s interesting in this context that my interest in historic computer systems has never been higher. I want that PiDP11 so hard. I’ve just applied for a hobbyist OpenVMS license. And on my live stream today, I installed the ancient Unix V7 from a virtual tape.
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Josh Wood’s article resonates a lot with me. I’ve chosen a humble amount of “fuck-that money” over the chance of getting lots of “fuck-you money”.…
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On one of my recent live coding streams, a viewer asked what my abe script does. I showed that it simply launched a Ruby command in my project’s application container. Since I’m using Docker Compose to spin up most of my development environments, I have to run all development tasks within the application container. Typing abe rake test is much faster than typing docker-compose exec app bundle exec rake test, so I added this script to my project’s bin directory:
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I’ve been using DuckDuckGo as my default search engine for a while. TIL that DuckDuckGo also has practical shortcuts called bangs for searching on a specific site.
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In my experience, the value of getting enough sleep can not be overstated. I feel like I got more work done on Tuesday alone than in the entire previous week. And the main difference was that I started last week already tired and didn’t get enough rest to change my state until the weekend. I highly recommend the Focused podcast on this topic. Apart from discussing sleep schedules and good tactics, it also briefly mentions taking sleep headphones on trips. I have some of these in my nightstand but it never occurred to me that they could save me from lying in a hotel bed frustrated by noise outside again.
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“Don’t use ZFS. It’s that simple.”
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Lack of sleep was the theme that ran through this week. For various reasons, I didn’t get into bed early enough a single night. The immediate result of not having slept enough for me is a lack of focus. Even while writing this, I’m getting distracted by watching flocks of birds in the sky through my office window. I’ve successfully established my work routine after coming back from the holidays. I’ve also started a writing routine this week. Now it’s time to get back into a sleep routine.
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